Sunday, 1 March 2015

Paradisaeidae Bird Street Art
While searching for Birds of Paradise artwork I came across a secondary source of contemporary street art created in 2011. The Tropical bird composition was created in London on wooden fence to conceal building work.
The simplistic use of colour and uncomplicated silhouettes is a stark contrast of the elaborate birds in real life conceiving a paradox conception of the birds.
For future work I could take influence from the refined colour pallet if I was unable to achieve the iridescence portrayed in the feathers in fabrics and surface decoration.

Attenborough's Paradise Birds - FMP

I found the initial influence for my final major project while watching the BBC production 'Attenborough's Paradise Birds' in late January.
Inspired by the natural beauty I see around me, nature has always been a heavily influential part of my work. After first watching the documentary my creative characteristic wanted to illustrate and develop the shapes, colour and structures into a fashion outcome.
assorted-birds-of-paradiseThe shapes and colours exhibited by the male birds birds to attacked a mate are alluring with a romantic aesthetic.
Along with the extravagant plumage of the birds, most of the birds perform dances where they create elegant silhouettes and memorable structures.
The bold shapes created by their feathers and displays embodied into fabric through manipulation and pattern cutting would give my designs a clear influence from the Paradisaedae birds, while also giving a unique spin.
Through the movement created in the dances flashes of bright and iridescent colours burst front the black feathers that could be interpreted into garments to create unusual patterns and surface decoration.