Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Task Three - Research - The Falklore Tale of Yuki-onna (Snow Woman)

After my one to one assessment feed back I've been researching into Japanese traditional folk law tales to draw inspiration for my work from different aspects of the culture then just fashion designers. 

I've come across a tale about the Snow Woman (Yuki-onna). In this version of the tale, Yuki-onna is a sprit of a woman who died in the yearly snow storms in northern province of Echigo. 

Yuki-onna appears in Kyuzaemon's (a lonely farmer who's family had passed away) home in the early hours of the morning after asking to be let in and denied. Kyuzaemon realises that the woman is a spirit and becomes very fearful. The sprit explains that she is travelling through the snow to the next village but the wind is against her and needs somewhere to rest before travelling on further. In the morning she is gone and have moved to the next village to haunt the man she was married to before perusing in the snow for leaving her family.

However after further research it there are many revisions of the snow woman tale, most say she encourages travellers in the storms to their deaths but spearing some of the young and beautiful. Some carry on the story saying that when the young and beautiful have grown up she appears again to them and they fall in love.

Some revsions of the tales say that she wears a white kimono, while some say she appears naked in the snow with the palest skin with long jet black hair.

After reading through Richard Gordon Smith's adaptation of the tale and more traditional renditions of the fable the main ideas of the story have given me ideas for my work, such as colour scheme. I could keep my colour scheme very pale, mostly white but maybe with a hint of colour like snow obscuring objects in the distance. 

If I decided to document my final outcomes through a fashion film or a photography shoot I could use the setting of the legend as the scene and backdrop hopefully influencing the viewers interpretation.

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