Thursday, 7 August 2014

Task 1 - Blackburn Museum - Fine Art Collection

In the Fine Art Collection at Blackburn Museum is a collection of Japanese wood block paintings and artefacts from the same time period. 
The samurai sword in the exhibition caught my attention more compared to the wood block paintings because of the intricate details and textures of the patterned carving. 
This piece is on loan from the Grundy Art Gallery in Blackpool and was intended as a more decorative piece rather then a weapon. In the late 19th century carrying swords was banned in a attempt to mordernize the country. This piece is from the same time but produced as a decorative item with a poor quality blade.
I want to research more in depth about the culture that has created the pattern and what it symbolises. 
I also want to know what other artists and designer have started at a simpler starting point or used a similar influence for there work.

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