Monday, 25 August 2014

Task 2 - Research - Launa D. Romoff

Launa D. Romoff is a mixed media artist that creates collages from found materials.

She started working with mix medias in 1997 and in the artist statement on her website Romoff says " I have been inspired by the work of Kurt Schwitters, regarded by most as the 20th century master of collage. He once said, "How I use the material is often more important than the material itself." This attitude is also reflected in my creative process. "

Romoff has created three pieces of work in Her Asian Gallery ( ) that, to me, have a clear Japanese influence flowing through her work.

In these pieces of Romoff's work I admire the use of a limited colour pallet and how her chosen materials seem old, giving her work a fresh take on 'vintage' medias.
Before finding her work I wouldn't of thought about creating mixed media collages because of my background in Fashion. However after seeing her work I will experiment in creating collages for prints for length of fabric inspired by her work. 

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